Combined M.S. & Ph. D.
B.S.: Chemistry, Yonsei Univ., 2016
M.S.: under studying (combined M.S&Ph. D)
Main research field: Nanomaterials for fuel cell and photocatalyst
E-mail: yong0723@dgist.ac.kr
Detailed informations
1. Soonhyun Kim,* Minsun Kim, Ha-Young Lee and Jong-Sung Yu* “Visible light-induced photocatalytic degradation of gas-phase acetaldehyde with platinum/reduced titanium oxide-loaded carbon paper”, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 50693–50700 (SCI IF: 3.108)
2. HaipingLi, Ha-Young Lee, Gi-Sang Park, Byong-June Lee, Jong-Deok Park, Cheol-Hwan Shin, Wanguo Hou*, Jong-Sung Yu* “Conjugated polyene-functionalized graphitic carbon nitride with enhanced photocatalytic water-splitting efficiency”, Carbon, 2018, 129, 637-645 (SCI IF: 6.337)
3. Kiranpal Singh, Emmanuel Batsa Tetteh, Ha-Young Lee, Tong-Hyun Kang and Jong-Sung Yu* “Tailor-Made Pt Catalysts with Improved Oxygen Reduction Reaction Stability/Durability” ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9(9), 8622-8645 (SCI IF: 12.221)
4. Byong-June Lee, Tong-Hyun Kang, Ha-Young Lee, J. Samdani, Yongju Jung, Chunfei Zhang, Guiliang Xu, Zhou Yu, Gui-Liang Xu, Lei Cheng, Seoungwoo Byun, Yong Min Lee, Khalil Amine,* and Jong-Sung Yu* “Revisiting the role of conductivity and polarity of host materials for long-life lithium-sulfur battery” Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 11, 1903934 (SCI IF:24.884).
5. Emmanuel B. Tetteh, Ha-Young Lee, Seung-hoon Kim, Hyung Chul Ham, Thanh-Nhan Tran, Cheol-Hwan Shin, Sung Jong Yoo, and Jong-Sung Yu* “A new PtMg alloy with durable electrocatalytic performance for oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cell” ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5(5) 1601-1609 (SCI IF:16.331)
6. Kiran Pal Singh, Cheol-Hwan Shin, Ha-Young Lee, Fatemeh Razmjooei, Apurba Sinhamahapatra, Joonhee Kang, and Jong-Sung Yu* "TiO2/ZrO2 nanoparticle composites for electrochemical hydrogen evolution" ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3(4), 3634-3645.
7. Thanh-Nhan Tran, Ha-Young Lee, Jong-Doek Park, Tong-Hyun Kang, Byong-June Lee, and Jong-Sung Yu* “Synergistic CoN-decorated Pt catalyst on two-dimensional porous Co−N-doped carbon nanosheet for enhanced oxygen reduction activity and durability” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3(7), 6310-6322.
8. Fatemeh Razmjooei, Jeong-Hoon Yu, Ha-Young Lee, Byong-June Lee, Kiran Pal Singh, Tong Hyun Kang, Hyoung-Juhn Kim and Jong-Sung Yu* "Single atom iron-based electrocatalysts for high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell: organometallic precursor and pore texture tailoring" ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3, 11164-76.
9. Shubham Biswas, Ha-Young Lee, Manohar Prasad, Abhishek Sharma, Jong-Sung Yu, Siddhartha Sengupta, Devendra Deo Pathak, and Apurba Sinhamahapatra* "Black TiO2–x Nanoparticles Decorated with Ni Nanoparticles and Trace Amounts of Pt Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation" ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 5, 4441-4451 (SCI IF: 5.097)
10. Tong-Hyun Kang, Byong-June Lee, Chaesung Lim, Ha-Young Lee, Jeong Woo Han and Jong-Sung Yu* “Tanium monoxide with in situ grown rutile TiO2 nanothorns as a heterostructured job-sharing anode material for lithium-ion storage” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5(5), 5691-5703 (SCI IF: 6.024).
11. Emmanuel Batsa Tetteh, Caleb Gyan-Barimah, Ha-Young Lee, Tong-Hyun Kang, Seonghyeon Kang, Stefan Ringe,* and Jong-Sung Yu* “Strained Pt(221) Facet in a PtCo@Pt-Rich Catalyst Boosts Oxygen Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution Activity” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14(22), 25246-25256 (SCI IF: 9.229)
12. Lee, H.-Y., Yu, T. H., Shin, C.-H., Fortunelli, A., Ji, S. G., Kim, Y., Kang, T.-H., Lee, B.-J., Merinov, B. V, Goddard, W. A.,* Choi, C. H.,* & Yu, J.-S.* Low temperature synthesis of new highly graphitized N-doped carbon for Pt fuel cell supports, satisfying DOE 2025 durability standards for both catalyst and support. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 323, 122179.
13. Shin, C.-H., Lee, H.-Y., Gyan-Barimah, C., Yu, J.-H., & Yu, J.-S.* Magnesium: properties and rich chemistry for new material synthesis and energy applications. Chemical Society Reviews. 2023, In press.