Light, Salts and Water Research Group
Overview of Our Research
Our Materials Science and Research Lab works to uncover the potential for cleaner energy through researching and innovating the natural and induced interactions that occur between various capable materials. At the LSWRG lab, we apply a variety of cutting-edge technologies to develop new processes in order to ensure that we are always on the limit of novel scientific discoveries. Check below for more information on our specific fields of research.

As a group, we focus on studying the potential of the natural and non-harmful resources that the world has gifted us. Natural systems capable of producing and harnessing energy are all around us and we aim to identify and characterize these fundamental mechanisms, working together to realize their full potential through the material synthesis of their required components. Below you can find a list of our projects:
Synthesis of Nanomaterials for Energy Storage.
Preparation of Nanocatalysts for Efficient New Generation Energy
Electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEM-FC)
Major: Materials chemistry, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Energy science etc…


Energy Application

Thanks for your interest in our research. Feel free to contact us for any questions or comments regarding our work and publications.
We are always looking for highly motivated students.
Contact information is below.
나노물질을 합성하여 연료전지, 배터리, 수전해 및 전기화학 촉매 반응 등 에너지 분야에 응용하고 있습니다. 박사과정, 박사후 연구원들을 모집중이니 관심있는 분은 언제나 환영합니다.
Adress: E6-421, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology(DGIST), Daegu, 42988, Republic of Korea
- Prof. E-mail: jsyu@dgist.ac.kr
- Inquiry: lee0705119@dgist.ac.kr
Contact Information:
- 나노소재 합성
- 연료전지, 배터리, 수전해 등 다양한 에너지 응용
박사과정, 박사후 연구원들을 모집중 입니다.