M.S. candidate
B.S.: Polymer Nano Science and Technology, Jeonbuk National Univ., 2018
M.S.: under studying
Main research field: Electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction
E-mail: yjh6093@dgist.ac.kr
Detailed informations
1. Fatemeh Razmjooei, Jeong-Hoon Yu, Ha-Young Lee, Byong-June Lee, Kiran Pal Singh, Tong Hyun Kang, Hyoung-Juhn Kim and Jong-Sung Yu* "Single atom iron-based electrocatalysts for high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell: organometallic precursor and pore texture tailoring" ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3, 11164-76.
2. Byong-June Lee, Chen Zhao, Jeong-Hoon Yu, Tong-Hyun Kang, Hyean-Yeol Park, Joonhee Kang, Yongju Jung, Xiang Liu, Tianyi Li, Wenqian Xu, Xiao-Bing Zuo, Gui-Liang Xu,* Khalil Amine* & Jong-Sung Yu* “Development of high-energy non-aqueous lithium-sulfur batteries via redox-active interlayer strategy” Nature Communications 2022, 13, 4629 (SCI IF: 14.919)
3. Do Nam Lee,* Kihak Gwon, Jeong-Hoon Yu, Yeong Rim Kim, Gisang Park, Ihn Han, Su Jung Lee, Jae Ho Shin,* and Jong-Sung Yu* “Intracellular NO Delivery by Si-Based Ni Composite Nanoflowers” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6(2), 846-855.
4. Shin, C.-H., Lee, H.-Y., Gyan-Barimah, C., Yu, J.-H., & Yu, J.-S.* Magnesium: properties and rich chemistry for new material synthesis and energy applications. Chemical Society Reviews. 2023, In press.
5. Jeong-Hoon Yu, Kiran Pal Singh, Se-Jun Kim, Tong-Hyun Kang, Kug-Seung Lee, Hyungjun Kim, Stefan Ringe,* and Jong-Sung Yu* “Active and stable PtP2-based electrocatalyst solves the phosphate poisoning issue of high temperature fuel cell” J. Mater. Chem. A. 2023, In press.