2000 - 2014 Publications
172. Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya, Hyean-Yeol Park, Min-Sik Kim, Hyuck-Soo Choi, Shaukatali Inamdar, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles by flame synthesis as anode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries”
Langmuir, 2014, 30(1), 318-324. (SCI IF: 4.457)
173. Hyean-Yeol Park, Dae-Soo Yang, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya, Min-Sik Kim, Min-Young Song and Jong-Sung Yu*
“A highly efficient carbon-supported Pt electrocatalyst prepared by γ-irradiation for cathodic oxygen reduction”
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(4), 1688–1697. (SCI IF:313)
174. Dae-Soo Yang, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya, Min Young Song, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Highly efficient metal-free phosphorus-doped platelet ordered mesoporous carbon for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction”
Carbon, 2014, 67, 736-743. (SCI IF: 6.196)
175. Suk Bon Yoon, Byung-Seon Choi, Kuen-Woo Lee, Jei-Kwon Moon, Yong Suk Choi, Jong-Yun Kim, Hyunjin Cho, Yunho Choi, Jung Ho Kim, Min-Sik Kim, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“New mesoporous silica/carbon composites by in-situ transformation of silica template in carbon/silica nanocomposite”
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 9(3), 221-229. (SCI IF: 1.043).
176. Dae-Soo Yang, Sudeshna Chaudhari, Kizhakke Palleeri Rajesh, and Jong-Song Yu*
“Preparation of nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanofibers and the effect of porosity, conductivity, and nitrogen content on their oxygen reduction performance”
ChemCatChem, 6(5), 1236-1244. (SCI IF: 5.054)
177. Nitin Kaduba Chaudhari, Min Young Song, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Heteroatom-doped highly porous carbon from human urine”
Scientific Reports, 4:5221. (SCI IF: 5.078).
Highlighted in many scientific magazines.
178. Min Young Song, Hyean Yeol Park, Dae-Soo Yang, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Seaweed-derived heteroatom-doped highly porous carbon as an electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction”
ChemSusChem, 7(6), 1755-1763. Cover article
179. Min-Sik Kim, Dae-Soo Yang, Min Young Song, Jung Ho Kim and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Hollow mesoporous carbon with hierarchical nanoarchitecture in electrochemical energy storage and conversion”
Electrochemically Enabled Sustain ability: Devices, Materials and Mechanism for Energy Conversion, Book Chapter 4 (p163-190), CRC Press (2014.06)
180. Kiran Chaudhari, Min Young Song, and J.-S. Yu*
“Transforming hair into heteroatom-doped carbon with high surface area”
Small, 10(13), 2625-2636 (SCI IF: 8.30)
181. Dae-Soo Yang, Chulwoo Kim, Min Young Song, Hyean-Yeol Park, Jae Cheon Kim, Jae-Joon Lee, Myung Jong Ju, and Jong-Sung Yu*
”N-doped hierarchical hollow mesoporous carbon as metal-free cathodes for dye-sensitized solar cells”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(30), 16694-16720. (SCI IF: 4.835)
182. H. Kim, D. Bhattacharjya and J.-S. Yu*
“Synthesis of hollow TiO2@N-doped carbon with enhanced electrochemical capacitance by an in-situ hydrothermal process using hexamethylenetetramine”
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2(29), 11472–11479 (SCI IF: 7.443)
183. Baizeng Fang, Arman Bonakdarpour, Yalan Xing, -S. Yu* and David P. Wilkinson*
“Hierarchical nanostructured carbon materials for ultrahigh electrochemical energy storage”
ECS Transactions, 58(27), 13-19,
184. Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Activated carbon made from cow dung as electrode material for electrochemical double layer capacitor”
Journal of Power Sources, 262, 224-231. (09.15 cover)
185. Fatemeh Razmjooei, Kiran Pal Singh, Min Young Song, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Enhanced electrocatalytic activity due to additional phosphorous doping in nitrogen and sulfur-doped graphene: A comprehensive study”
Carbon, 2014, 78, 257-267. (SCI IF: 6.196)
186. Jinyoung Son, Min-Sik Kim, Hyun Woo Lee, Jong-Sung Yu, and Kwang-Ho Kwon
“Surface modification of polypropylene separators in lithium-ion batteries using inductively coupled plasma treatment”
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014, 14 (12), 9368-9372
187. Sudeshna Chaudhari, Seon Young Kwon and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Ordered multimodal porous carbon with hierarchical nanostructure as high performance electrode material for supercapacitor”
RSC Advances, 2014, 4(73), 38931–38938 (SCI IF: 3.84)
188. Nitin K. Chaudhari, Sudeshna Chaudhari, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Cube-like α-Fe2O3supported on ordered multimodal porous carbon as high performance electrode material for supercapacitor”
ChemSusChem, 2014, 7(11), 3102-3111. (SCI IF: 7.657)
189. Kiran Pal Singh, Min Young Song, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Iodine-treated heteroatom-doped carbon: conductivity driven electrocatalytic activity”
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2(42), 18115-18124. (SCI IF: 7.443)
171. Nitin K. Chaudhari, Min-Sik Kim, Tae-Sung Bae, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles on Vulcan carbon as an ultrahigh capacity anode material in lithium ion battery”
Electrochimi Acta, 2013, 114, 60-67. (IF: 4.086)
170. Sudeshna Chaudhari, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya and Jong Sung Yu*
“1-Dimensional porous α-Fe2O3 nanorods as high performance electrode material for supercapacitor”
RSC Advances, 2013, 3(47), 25120-25128. (IF: 3.708)
169. Baizeng Fang, Arman Bonakdarpour, Min-Sik Kim, Jung Ho Kim, David P. Wilkinson* and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Multimodal porous carbon as a highly efficient electrode material in an electric double layer capacitor”
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 182, 1-7. (IF: 3.209)
168. Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya, Min Sik Kim, Tae-Sung Bae and Jong Sung Yu*
“High performance supercapacitor prepared from hollow mesoporous carbon capsules with hierarchical nanoarchitecture”
J. of Power Sources, 2013, 244, 799-805. (IF : 5.211)
167. Jung Ho Kim, Seon Young Kwon, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya, Geun Seok Chai, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“High-performance quaternary PtRuIrNi electrocatalysts with hierarchical nanostructured carbon support”
Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 306, 133-145. (IF : 6.073)
166. Yun Kyung Kim, Kizhakke Palleeri Rajesh and Jong–Sung Yu*
“Zeolite materials prepared using silicate waste from template synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon”
J. of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 260, 350-357. (IF : 4.331)
165. Baizeng Fang, Jung Ho Kim, Min-Sik Kim and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Hierarchical nanostructured carbons with meso-macroporosity: design, characterization and applications“
Account of Chemical Research, 2013, 46(7), 1397-1406. (IF: 24.348)
164. Kimin Lim, Myung Jong Ju, Jongbeom Na, Hyeju Choi, Min Young Song, Byeonggwan Kim, Kihyung Song, Jong-Sung Yu, Eunkyoung Kim, and Jaejung Ko*
“Molecular Engineering of Organic Sensitizers with Planar Bridging Units for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”
Chemistry: A European Journal, 2013, 19 (29), 9442-9446. (IF: 5.696)
163. Min-Sik Kim, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjya, Baizeng Fang, Dae-Soo Yang, Tae-Sung Bae and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Morphology-dependent Li storage performance of ordered mesoporous carbon as anode material”
Langmuir, 2013, 29(22), 6754-6761. (IF: 4.384)
162. Jeong-Seon Yu, Jong-Sung Yu, and Jong-Hyun Kim*
“Electro-optical characteristics of ferroelectric liquid crystal embedded in photonic crystal fiber”
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 52(5) 051701-1-5. (IF: 1.067)
161. Shaukatali Inamdar, Hyuck-Soo Choi, Peng Wang, Min Young Song and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Sulfur-containing carbon by flame synthesis as efficient metal-free electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction”
Electrochemistry Communications, 2013, 30, 9-12. (IF : 4.287)
160. S. K. Sharma,* Min-Sik Kim, D. Y. Kim, Jong-Sung Yu*
“A nanorod thin films as anode electrode for Li ion rechargeable batteries”
Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 87, 872-879. (IF: 4.086)
159. Min Young Song, Kiran N. Chaudhari, Jinsol Park, Dae-Soo Yang, Jung Ho Kim, Min-Sik Kim, Kimin Lim, Jeajung Ko and Jong-Sung Yu*
“High efficient Pt counter electrode prepared by the homogeneous deposition method for dye-sensitized solar cell”
Applied Energy, 2012, 100, 132–137. (IF: 5.261)
158. Hyun-Sook Lee, Son-Jong Hwang, Hoon Kee Kim, Young-Su Lee, Jinsol Park, Jong-Sung Yu, Young Whan Cho
“In situ NMR Observation of the Interaction between LiBH4-Ca(BH4)2 and Mesoporous Scaffolds”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012, 3(20), 2922–2927. (IF: 6.626)
157. Dae-Soo Yang, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya, Shaukatali Inamdar, Jinsol Park, Jong-Sung Yu*
“Phosphorus-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons with Different Channel Lengths as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Media”
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134(39), 16127-16130. (IF: 11.444)
156. Shaukatali Inamdar, Hyun-Soo Choi, Min-Sik Kim, Kiran Chaudhari and J.-S. Yu*
“Flame synthesis of 26-faceted maghemite polyhedrons grown via 14-faceted polyhedrons and their carbon composites for Li-ion battery application”
CrystEngCommun, 2012, 14(20), 7009-7014. (IF: 3.858).
155. Baizeng Fang, Jung Ho Kim, Min-Sik Kim, Arman Bonakdarpour, Alfred Lam, David P. Wilkinson, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Fabrication of hollow core carbon spheres with hierarchical nanoarchitecture for ultrahigh electrical charge storage”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22(36), 19031-19038. (IF: 6.626).
154. Dae-Soo Yang, Min-Sik Kim, MinYoung Song, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Highly efficient supported PtFe cathode electrocatalysts prepared by homogeneous deposition for proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(18), 13681-13688. (IF: 4.053)
153. Jung Ho Kim, Baizeng Fang, Min Young Song, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Topological Transformation of Thioether-Bridged Organosilicas into Nanostructured Functional Materials”
Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24(12) 2256-2264. (IF: 8.535).
152. C. Venkata Prasad, B. Yerri Swamy, B. Mallikarjuna, K.C. Sreekanth, M. C. S. Subha, K. Chowdoji Rao and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Preparation and characterization of interpenetrating polymer network beads for controlled release of acebutolol hydrochloride”
Advances in Polymer Technology, 2012, 31(2), 87-99.
151. Nitin K. Chaudhari, Hyung Chan Kim, Chul Sung Kim, Jeunghee Park and Jong-Sung Yu*,
“Solvent controlled the synthesis of new hematite superstructures with large coercive values”
CrystEngComm, 2012, 14 (6), 2024-2031.
150. Gabriel M. Oliveira, Jung Ho Kim, Marcus V.A. Martins, Rodrigo M. Iost, Kiran N. Chaudhari Jong-Sung Yu,* Frank N. Crespilho*
“Flexible carbon cloth electrode modified by hollow core-mesoporous shell carbon as a novel efficient bio-anode for biofuel cell”
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012, 12(1), 356-360.
149. Gouri Sankar Paul, Jung Ho Kim, Min-Sik Kim, Kwangseok Do, Jaejung Ko and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Different Hierarchical Nanostructured Carbons as Counter Electrodes for CdS Quantum Dot Solar Cells”
ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2012, 4(1), 375−381.
148. Kiran N. Chaudhari, Nitin K. Chaudhari, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Peroxidase mimic activity of hematite iron oxides (a-Fe2O3) with different nanostructures”
Catalysis Science and Technology, 2012, 2(1), 119–124 (IF: 4.76).
147. Min-Sik Kim, Baizeng Fang, Jung Ho Kim, Dae-Soo Yang, Yun Kyung Kim, Tae-Sung Bae and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Ultra-high Li storage capacity demonstrated by hollow carbon capsules with hierarchical nanoarchitecture”
J. Mater. Chem, 2011, 21 (48), 19362 – 19367.
146. Hyun-Sook Lee, Young-Su Lee, Jin-Yoo Suh, Minwoo Kim, Jong-Sung Yu, and Young Whan Cho
“Enhanced desorption and absorption properties of eutectic LiBH4-Ca(BH4)2 infiltrated into mesoporous carbon”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115(40), 20027-20035.
145. Suk Bon Yoon, Jong-Yun Kim*, Jung Ho Kim, Min-Sik Kim, Seung-Kyu Park, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“In situ recrystallization of silica template for synthesis of novel microporous ZSM-5/hollow mesoporous carbon composites”
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(13), 7998-8005.
144. Pooja Dua, K. Chaudhari, Chang Han Lee, N. K.Chaudhari, Sun Woo Hong, J. -S. Yu,* Soyoun Kim,* and Dong-ki Lee*
“Evaluation of toxicity and gene expression changes triggered by oxide nanoparticles”
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2011, 32(6), 2051-2057.
143. Baizeng Fang, Minwoo Kim, Sheng-Qiang Fan, Jung Ho Kim, David P. Wilkinson, Jaejung Ko,* and Jong-Sung Yu,*
“Facile synthesis of mesoporous carbon nanofibers with tailored nanostructure as a highly efficient counter electrode in CdSe quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21(24), 8742-8748.
142. Baizeng Fang, Min-Sik Kim, Jung Ho Kim, Min Young Song, Yan-Jie Wang, Haijiang Wang, David P. Wilkinson, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“High Pt loading on functionalized multiwall carbon nanotube as a highly efficient cathode electrocatalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21(22), 8066-8073.
141. Young-Su Lee, Yaroslav Filinchuk, Hyun-Sook Lee, Jin-Yoo Suh, Ji Woo Kim, Jong-Sung Yu, and Young Whan Cho
“On the formation and the structure of the first bimetallic borohydride borate, LiCa3(BH4)(BO3)2”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115(20), 10298-10304.
140. N. K Chaudhari, B. Fang, T.-S. Bae, and J. -S. Yu*
“Low-Temperature Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Iron Hydroxide and Oxide Nanorods in Aqueous Media”
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11(05), 4457-4462.
139. Jung Ho Kim, Minwoo Kim and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Recycle of silicate waste into mesoporous materials”
Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 45, 3695-3701.
138Gernho Back,* Kiyub Kim,Yun Kyung Kim,2 Jong-Sung Yu*
“Electron Spin Resonance Study of Manganese Ion Species Incorporated into Novel Aluminosilicate Nanospheres with Solid Core/Mesoporous Shell Structure”
Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society, 2010, 14, 55-75.
137. M.-S. Kim, S. Lim, N. K. Chaudhari, B. Fang, T.-S. Bae, and J.-S. Yu*
“Effect of pH on electrocatalytic property of supported PtRu catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Catalysis Today, 2010, 158 (3-4) 354-360.
136. M.-S. Kim, Sinmuk Lim, M. Y. Song, H. Cho, Y. Choi and J.-S. Yu*
“Acid Treatments of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application as Pt-Ru/CNT Anode Catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell”
Carbon Letters, 2010, 11(4), 336-342,.
135. J. H. Kim and J. -S. Yu*
“Erythrocyte-like hollow carbon capsules and their application in proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010, 12(46) 15301-15308.
134. Jong-Sung Yu,* Min-Sik Kim and Jung Ho Kim
“Combinatorial discovery of new methanol-tolerant non-noble metal cathode electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cells”
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12(46), 2010, 15274-15281.
133. Baizeng Fang, Sinmuk Lim, Min-Sik Kim, Jung Ho Kim, Daesoo Yang and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Ordered multimodal porous carbon with hierarchical nanostructure for high Li storage capacity and good cycling performance”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20(45), 10253-10259.
132. J. H. Kim, B. Fang, M.-S Kim, S. B. Yoon, T.-S. Bae, D. R. Ranade and J.-S. Yu*
“Facile synthesis of bimodal porous silica and multimodal porous carbon as an anode catalyst support in proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55(26), 7628-7633.
131. Sheng-Qiang Fan, Baizeng Fang, Jung Ho Kim, Ban-Seok Jeong, Chulwoo Kim, Jong-Sung Yu,* Jaejung Ko*
“Ordered multimodal porous carbon as highly efficient counter electrodes in dye-sensitized and quantum-dot solar cells”
Langmuir, 2010, 26(16) 13644-13649.
130. B. Fang, S.-Q. Fan, J. H. Kim, M.-S.Kim, M. Kim, N. K. Chaudhari, J. Ko* and J.-S. Yu*
“Incorporating hierarchical nanostructured carbon counter electrode into metal-free organic dye-sensitized solar cell”
Langmuir, 2010, 26(13), 11238–11243.
129. M.-S. Kim, N. K. Chaudhari, B. Fang, M. Song, T.-S. Bae, and J.-S. Yu*
“A highly efficient synthesis approach of supported Pt-Ru catalyst for direct methanol fuel cell”
Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55(15) 4543-4550.
128. S.-Q. Fan, B. Fang, J. H. Kim, J.-J. Kim, J.-S. Yu,* and J. Ko*
“Hierarchical nanostructured spherical carbon with hollow core/mesoporous shell as a highly efficient counter electrode in CdSe quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells”
Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96(6), 063501,1-3.
127. B. Fang, N. K. Chaudhari, M.-S. Kim, J. H. Kim, and J.-S. Yu*
“Homogeneous deposition of platinum nanoparticles on carbon black for proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(42), 15330-15338.
126. Nitin K. Chaudhari, Hyoung Chan Kim, Derac Son, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Easy synthesis and characterization of single-crystalline hexagonal prism-shaped hematite α-Fe2O3 in aqueous media”
CrystEngComm, 2009, 11(11), 2264 –2267.
125. G. S. Chai and J. -S. Yu*
“Highly efficient Pt-Ru-Co-W quaternary anode catalysts for methanol electrooxidation discovered by combinatorial analysis”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19(37), 6842-6848.
124. Gernho Back,* Hyeyoung Lee, Minsik Kim, Jong-Sung Yu,* Soobok Jeong and Young Bae Chae,
“Electron spin resonance study of Mo(V) ion species incorporated into aluminosilicate nanospheres with solid core/mesoporous shell structure”
Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44(20) 5636-5643.
123. J. H. Kim, B. Fang, Minwoo Kim and J. -S. Yu*
“Hollow spherical carbon with mesoporous shell as a superb anode catalyst support in proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Catalysis Today, 2009, 146(1-2), 25-30.
122. Qingmin Ji, Somobrata Acharya, Jonathan P. Hill, Ajayan Vinu, Suk Bon Yoon, Jong-Sung Yu,* Kazutami Sakamoto and Katsuhiko Ariga*
“Hierarchic nanostructure for auto-modulation of material release: mesoporous nanocompartment films”
Advanced Functional Materials, 2009, 19(11), 1792-1799.
121. J. H. Kim, B. Fang, S. B. Yoon and J. -S. Yu*
“Hollow core/mesoporous shell carbon capsule as an unique cathode catalyst support in direct methanol fuel cell”
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 88(3-4), 368-375.
120. Qingmin Ji, Suk Bon Yoon, Jonathan P. Hill, Ajayan Vinu, Jong-Sung Yu,* and Katsuhiko Ariga*
“Layer-by-layer films of dual-pore carbon capsules with designable selectivity of gas adsorption”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(12), 4220-4221.
119. Baizng Fang, Jung Ho Kim, Minsik Kim and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Ordered hierarchical nanostructured carbon as a highly efficient cathode catalyst support in proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Chemistry of Materials, 2009, 21(5), 789-796.
118. Baizeng Fang, Jung Ho Kim, Minsik Kim, Minwoo Kim and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Hierarchical nanostructured hollow spherical carbon with mesoporous shell as a unique cathode catalyst support in proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 2009, 11(9), 1380-1387. (SCI 4.116) (cover 2009.03.07).
117. K. R. Yoon, B. Ramaraj, S. Lee, J. -S. Yu and I. S. Choi
“Surface-initiated atom-transfer radical polymerization of 3-O-methacryloyl-1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-D-glucofuranoside onto gold surface”
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 2009, 88A(3), 735-740. (IF 3.044) (090301 cover)
116. S. B. Yoon, B. Fang, M. -S. Kim, J. H. Kim and J. -S. Yu
“Nanostructured Supported Catalysts for Low Temperature Fuel Cells”
Chapter 4, p173-231, Nanostructured Materials, Vol. I in Frontiers of Nanoscience, edited by Gerhard Wilde.
115. S. Kang, Y. B. Chae and J. -S. Yu*
“HCl as a key parameter in size-tunable synthesis of SBA-15 silica with rodlike morphology”
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2009, 9(1), 527-532.
114. Nitin K. Chaudhari and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Size control synthesis of uniform β-FeOOH to high coercive field porous magnetic α-Fe2O3 Nanorods”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112(50), 19957-19962.
113. Katsuhiko Ariga, Qingmin Ji and Jong-Sung Yu,
“Creation of inner spaces and their functions: development on permeation-controllable microcapsules”
Surface, 2008, 46(11), 15-24.
112. Geun Seok Chai, Baizeng Fang, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Gamma-Ray irradiation as highly efficient approach for synthesis of supported high Pt loading cathode catalyst for application in direct methanol fuel cell”
Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10(11) 1801-1804.
111. Baizng Fang, Minsik Kim, Jung Ho Kim, and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Controllable Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanostructured Hollow Core/Mesopore Shell Carbon for Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage”
Langmuir, 2008, 24(20), 12068-12072
110. N. K. Chaudhari, M. -S. Kim, H. K. Kim, S. H. Choi, K. R. Yoon, K. S. Lee and J. -S. Yu*
“Fluorescence enhancement of ruthenium complex on silver using different chain length carboxylic acid terminated thiols: distance and metal concentration study”
J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008, 8(9), 4747–4751.
109. J. S. Yu, M.-S. Kim, S. Kim, D. H. Ha, B. H. Chung, S. J. Chung, and J. -S. Yu *
“Characteristics of localized surface plasmon resonance of nanostructured Au patterns for biosensing”
J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008, 8(9), 4548–4552.
108. Baizeng Fang, Minsik Kim, Jong-Sung Yu*
“Hollow core/mesoporous shell carbon as a highly efficient catalyst support in direct formic acid fuel cell”
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2008, 84(1-2), 100-105.
107. B. Fang, M.-S. Kim, S. Hwang and J. -S. Yu*
“Colloid-imprinted carbon with tailored nanostructure as unique anode electrocatalyst support for formic acid oxidation”
Carbon, 2008, 46(6) 876-883. (0008-6223) (IF 5.378).
106. Baizeng Fang, Jung Ho Kim, Jong-Sung Yu*
“Colloid-imprinted carbon with superb nanostructure as an efficient electrocatalyst support in proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10(4) 659-662. (SCI IF : 6.319)
105. Q. Ji, M. Miyahara, J. P. Hill, S. Acharya, A. Vinu, S. B. Yoon, J. -S. Yu,* K. Sakamoto and K. Ariga*
“Stimuli-free auto-modulated material release from mesoporous nanocompartment Films”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130(8) 2376-2377. (IF : 9.907)
“Highlighted in Nature Materials 07(March) 169, 2008.” (Cited by 80)
104. J. H. Kim, S. B. Yoon, J. -Y. Kim, Y. B. Chae, and J.-S. Yu*
“Synthesis of monodisperse silica spheres with solid core and mesoporous shell: morphological control of mesopores”
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2008, 313-314, 77-81. (IF: 2.236)
103. B. Fang, J. H. Kim, C. Lee, and J. -S. Yu*
“Hollow macroporous core/mesoporous shell carbon with a tailored structure as a cathode electrocatalyst support for proton exchange membrane fuel cell”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112(2), 639-645. (SCI IF = 4.805) (Cited by 53)
102. Back, J. -S. Yu, H. Lee, M.-S. Kim, and Y.-I. Lee
“V(IV) Species, Location and Adsorbate Interactions in VH-SAPO-42 Studied by ESR and Electron Spin-Echo Modulation Spectroscopies”
Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society, 11(2), 95-109.
101. B. Yoon, J. -Y. Kim, J. -H. Kim, Y. J. Park, K. R. Yoon, S.-K. Park and J. -S. Yu*
“Synthesis of monodisperse spherical silica particles with solid core and ordered mesoporous shell: the mesopore channels perpendicular to the surface”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17(18), 1758-1761 “Hot Font Cover Articles”
100. Minsik Kim, Sohee Hwang and Jong-Sung Yu*
“Novel ordered nanoporous graphitic C3N4 as a support for Pt-Ru anode catalyst in DMFC”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17(17) 1656-1659
99. Hwang, S. Lee and J. -S. Yu*
“Template-directed synthesis of highly ordered macroporous graphitic carbon nitride through polymerization of cyanamide”
Applied Surface Science, 253(13), 5656-5659 (2007).(IF: 1.576).
98. Back,* J.-S. Yu, H. Lee and Y.-I. Lee
“Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of vanadium incorporated V-AlMCM-41 molecular sieves”
Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society, 10(2), 141-154 (2006)
97. Back, J. -S. Yu, S. -K. Park, C. W. Lee and T. Won
“Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of Vanadium-incorporated V-AlMCM-48 mesoporous material”
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 44(4), 369-374 (2006).
96. B. Yoon, J. Y. Kim, J. H. Kim, S.G. Park, J. Y. Kim, C. W. Lee and J.-S. Yu*
“Template synthesis of nanostructured silica with hollow core and mesoporous shell structures”
Current Applied Physics, 6, 1059-1063 (2006). (IF 1.526) (Cited 6)
95. B. Yoon, S. Kang and J.-S. Yu*
“Synthesis of nanostructured polymer materials with different morphologies: nanoporous ordered networks and hollow capsules”
Current Applied Physics, 6, 1054-1058 (2006) (IF 1.526) (cited 6 times)
94. P. Gierszal, S. B. Yoon, J. -S. Yu* and M. Jaroniec*
“Adsorption and structural properties of mesoporous carbons obtained from mesophase pitch and resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon precursors using porous templates prepared from colloidal silica”
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16(27), 2819-2823 (2006) (IF 4.65)
93. W.-S. Kim, C. H. Eum, A. Molnar, J.-S. Yu and S. Lee*
“Repeatability and reproducibility of thermal field-flow fractionation in molecular weight determination of processed natural rubber”
The Analyst, 131(3), 429-433 (2006) (IF: 4.107)
92. J.-S Yu
“Highly efficient Pt50-Ru50 electrocatalysts supported by porous carbons with ordered uniform controllable pores”
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 10(4) 347-352 (2005). (IF 1.122)
91. J.-S Yu
“Fabrication of bimodal porous silica with zeolite crystal core/mesoporous shell and corresponding nonspherical hollow carbon capsules”
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 10(4) 341-346 (2005).
90. S. Chai and J. -S. Yu*
“Highly efficient electrode catalysts prepared with ordered nanoporous carbons with tunable pore sizes as catalyst supports”
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 876E, R8.40.1-10 (2005)
89. S. Chai, S. B. Yoon and J. -S. Yu*
“Highly efficient anode electrode materials for direct methanol fuel cell prepared with ordered and disordered arrays of carbon nanofibers”
Carbon, 43(14) 3028-3031 (2005) (IF 4.373)
88. B. Yoon, J.Y. Kim, J. -S. Yu,* K. P. Gierszal and M. Jaroniec*
“Fabrication and characterization of new mesostructured silica, HUM-1 and its ordered mesoporous carbon replica”
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44(12) 4316-4322
87. J.-S. Yu,* S. B. Yoon, Y. J. Lee and K. B. Yoon
“Fabrication of bimodal core-shell silicate with silicalite-1 core/mesoporous shell structures and synthesis of nonspherical carbon and silica nanocases with hollow core/mesoporous shell structures”
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(15), 7040-45 (2005). (IF 4,189) (Cited 25)
86. B. Yoon, G. S. Chai, S. Kang, J. -S. Yu,* K. P. Gierszal and M. Jaroniec*
“Graphitized pitch-based carbons with ordered nanopores synthesized by using colloidal crystals as templates”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(12), 4188-4189 (2005) (IF 8.580) (cited 59)
85. B. Yoon, J. Y. Kim, J.-S. Yu,* J.-W. Kim, S. Chang and J. G. Lee
“Synthetic control of nanostructured carbons templated by mesoporous SBA-15 silica”
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 154, 917-923 (2004).
84. Y. Kim, S. B. Yoon and J.-S. Yu*
“Fabrication of a new mesostructured silica prepared by double replications from a MCM-48 silica”
Studies in Surface Science & Catalysis, 154, 380-386 (2004).
83. H. Chai, K.-S. Hong, S.C. Lee, D.-L. Joo, J.K. Lee, J.-S. Yu, S.B. Yoon and H.K. Kim*
“Synthesis and photophysical properties of erbium-included mesoporous materials for optical amplification”
J. Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 13, 3-4, 497-501 (2004).
82. S. Chai, S. B. Yoon, J. H. Kim and J.-S. Yu*
“Spherical carbon capsules with hollow macroporous core and mesoporous shell structures as a highly efficient catalyst support in direct methanol fuel cell”
Chemical Communications, 23, 2766-2767 (2004). (IF 6.169)
81. S. Chai, I. S. Shin and J. -S. Yu*
“Synthesis of ordered uniform macroporous carbons with mesoporous walls templated by aggregates of polystyrene spheres and silica particles for use as catalyst supports in direct methanol fuel cell”
Advanced Materials 16(22) 2057-2061 (2004). (IF 13.877). (Cited 69)
80. Wang, J.-S. Yu, X.-d. Li and D.-p. Kim*
“Inorganic polymer-derived hollow SiC and filled SiCN sphere assemblies from a 3DOM carbon template”
Chemical Communications, 20, 2352-53 (2004). (IF 5.504)
79. S. Chai, S. B. Yoon, J. -S. Yu,* J.-H. Choi and Y.-E. Sung
“Ordered Porous Carbon with Tunable Pore Sizes as Catalyst Supports in Direct Methanol Fuel Cell”
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108(22), 7074-79 (2004). (IF 3.471)
78. Chai, S. B. Yoon, S. Kang, J.-H. Choi, Y.-E. Sung, Y. -S. Ahn, H. -S. Kim and J.-S. Yu*
“Ordered uniform porous carbons as a catalyst support in a direct methanol fuel cell”
Electrochimica Acta, 50 (2-3) 823-826, (2004). (IF 2.955)
77. J. Y Kim, S. B. Yoon, C. M. Kim and J.-S. Yu*
“Synthesis of nanocapsules with Au particles trapped inside carbon and silica nanoporous shells”
Key Engineering Materials, vol. 264-268, 2331-2334 (2004).
76. Wang, X.-D. Li, J.-S. Yu and D.-P. Kim*
“Fabrication and characterization of ordered macroporous PMS-derived SiC from a sacrificial template method”
Journal of Materials Chemistry 14(9), 1383-1386 (2004). (IF 4.795)
75. I.-K. Sung, T. -S. Kim, S. B. Yoon, J. -S. Yu and D. P. Kim*
“Fabrication of nanostructured SiC and BN from templated preceramic polymers”
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 146, 547-550 (2003).
74. S. B. Yoon, J. Y. Kim, and J.-S. Yu*
“A direct template synthesis of highly ordered mesostructured carbons using as-synthesized MCM-48 as template”
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 146, 259-262 (2003).
73. M. Kim, S. B. Yoon, K. Sohn, J. Y. Kim, C.-H. Shin, T. Hyeon* and J.-S. Yu*
“Synthesis and characterization of spherical carbon and polymer capsules with hollow macroporous core and mesoporous shell structures”
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 63(1), 1-9 (2003).
72. S. B. Yoon, J.Y. Kim, F. Kooli, C. W. Lee and J.-S. Yu*
“Synthetic control of ordered and disordered arrays of carbon nanofibers from SBA-15 silica templates”
Chemical Communications, 14, 1740-41 (2003). (IF 5.141)
71. J. Y. Kim, S. B. Yoon, and J.-S. Yu*
“Template synthesis of a new nanostructured silica from highly ordered mesoporous carbon molecular sieves”
Chemistry of Materials,15(10) 1932-34, (2003). (SCI IF 8.354)
70. J. C. Kim, Y. N. Kim, E. O. Chi, N. H. Hur,* S. B. Yoon and J.-S. Yu
“Fabrication of TiO2 nanospheres by a template replication in porous carbon networks”
Journal of Materials Research, 18(4) 780-783 (2003). (KRF-2001-0410-D00177) (IF 1.916)
69. Y Kim, S. B. Yoon and J.-S. Yu*
“Fabrication of nanocapsules with Au particles trapped inside carbon and silica nanoporous shells”
Chemical Communications, 6, 790-791(2003). (IF 5.141) (Cited 54)
68. J.-S. Yu,* S. B. Yoon, K. Sohn, J. Y. Kim and T. Hyeon
“Nanostructured carbon capsules with hollow core/mesoporous shell, structure”
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 728, 241-245 (2002)
67. J. Y. Kim, S. H. Park and J.-S. Yu*
“Anchoring of dye molecules into mesoporous siliceous MCM-48”
Optical Materials, 21, 349-352 (2002). (IF 1.519)
66. T. Oh , J.-S. Yu , T. Ikeda, and T. Kodaira*
“Formation of K clusters in K-form zeolite ZK 4’s with Si/Al >1”
Solid State Communications, 123(9), 387-390 (2002). (IF 1.535)
65. J.-S. Yu,* S. Kang, S. B. Yoon and G. Chai
“Fabrication of ordered uniform porous carbon networks and their application to a catalyst supporter”
The Journal of American Chemical Society, 124, 9382-83 (2002). (Cited 178)
64. S. Kang, J.-S. Yu,* M. Kruk and M. Jaroniec*
“Synthesis of an ordered macroporous carbon with 62 nm spherical pores that exhibit unique gas adsorption properties”
Chemical Communications, 16, 1670-71 (2002). (IF 4.426) (Cited 49)
63. S. B. Yoon, J. Y. Kim and J.-S. Yu*
“A direct template synthesis of nanoporous carbons with high mechanical stability using as-synthesized MCM-48 hosts”
Chemical Communications, 14, 1536-37 (2002). (IF 5.141)
62. I. K. Sung, S. B. Yoon, J.-S. Yu* and D. P. Kim*
“Fabrication of macroporous SiC from templated preceramic polymers”
Chemical Communications, 14, 1480-81, (2002).
61. B. Yoon, K. Sohn, J. Y. Kim, C. H. Shin, J.-S. Yu* and T. Hyeon*
“Fabrication of carbon capsules with hollow macroporous core/mesoporous shell structure”
Advanced Materials, 14(1), 19-21 (2002). (Cited 146)
60. J.-S. Yu
“Combinatorial discovery of new materials”
Prospetive of Industrial Chemistry, 4(4) 62-66 (2001).
59. Y. Kim and J.-S. Yu*
“ESR analysis of cupric ion species exchanged into NaH-ZSM-5 gallosilicate”
Journal of the Korean Resonance Society, 5, 1-12 (2001).
58. J.-S. Yu,* S. J. Lee and S. B. Yoon
“Template-directed synthesis of porous carbons”
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 371, 107-110 (2001). (97MOSt)
57. J. Y. Kim, S. B. Yoon, F. Kooli and J.-S. Yu*
”Synthesis of highly ordered mesoporous polymer network“
Journal of Material Chemistry, 11(12), 2912-2914 (2001).
56. S. B. Yoon, I. S. Shin and J.-S. Yu*
“Novel synthesis of nanoporous carbons using colloidal templates”
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 135, 254 (2001).
55. J.-S. Yu,* S. B. Yoon and G. S. Chai
“Ordered uniform porous carbon by carbonization of sugars”
Carbon, 39(9) 1442-1446 (2001). (Cited 31)
54. J. Michalik,* D. Brown, J.-S. Yu,* M. Danilczuk, J. Y. Kim and L. Kevan*
“Conduction electron spin resonance of metal nanoparticles in AlMCM-41 aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves“
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 3, 1705-1708 (2001).
53. B. Yoon, J. Y. Kim and J.-S. Yu*
“Synthesis of highly ordered nanoporous carbon molecular sieves from silylated MCM-48 using divinylbenzene as precursor”
Chemical Communications, 06, 559-560 (2001).
52. J. Michalik, J.-S. Yu, J. Sadlo
“ESR studies of silver clusters in the isostructural A and ZK-4 molecular sieves”
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Chemistry, 48(4), 293-301 (2000).
51. E. Reddington, J.-S. Yu, A. Sapienza, B. C. Chan, B. Gurau, R. Viswanathan, R. Liu, E. S. Smokin, S. Sarangapani and T. E. Mallouk
“Combinatorial discovery and optimization of new electrocatalysts“
Combinatorial Chemistry:A Practical Approach, H. Fenniri, Ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 401-420 (2000).
50. J.-S. Yu,* J. Y. Kim, S. Lee, J. K. N. Mbindyo, B. R. Martin and T. E. Mallouk*
“Template synthesis of polymer-insulated colloidal gold nanowires with reactive ends”
Chemical Communications, 24, 2445-2446 (2000).
49. J.-S. Yu, J. Y. Kim and L. Kevan
“Adsorbate interactions of Cu(II) in Cu-GaMCM-41 determined by electron spin resonance and electron spin echo modulation”
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 40, 135-147, (2000).
48. L. Egan, J.-S. Yu, C. H. Kim, S. J. Lee, R. E. Schaak and T. E. Mallouk
“Nanoscale metal replicas of colloidal crystals”
Advanced Materials, 12(14) 1040-1042, (2000). (Cited 48)
47. J. Y. Kim, S. J. Lee and J.-S. Yu*
“Post-synthetic incorporation of Ga into mesoporous siliceous MCM-41”
Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 21(5), 544-546 (2000). (SCI IF 0.415)
46. J. Xu, J.-S. Yu, S. J. Lee, J. Y. Kim and L. Kevan
“Electron spin resonance and electron spin echo modulation studies of adsorbate interactions with cupric ion on the aluminum content in Cu-AlMCM-41 materials”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104, 1307-1314 (2000).
45. Y. Kim, J. -S. Yu* and C. W. Lee
“Paramagnetic cupric ions ion-exchanged into TAPO-5 and TAPO-11 molecular sieves”
Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 21(2), 251-258 (2000).